Our September job is to patrol the 11 mile North Shore Road. This back road has 35 primitive campsites, and a few bathrooms and porta potties. And its still free!
It's a great job, but dirty.

Friday we met Jeff's son, Jake, in Madras for his birthday lunch. I'm not sure the last time they were together for his birthday... but it's been a long time. Jake hasn't been in Madras for long, so he didn't know the area much better than we did. So I checked my map program, and found a mexican grill that was listed under bars, and we made it our meeting place for for food and drinks. But the place it sent us to was more like a fast food joint. Fortunately, there was a mexican restaurant on the same block called "Mexican City" that was a real restaurant and they served drinks. So we went there, before even entering the other place. We were the only ones there (it was 2:00 in the afternoon) but the place was great, in its own way. It was clearly a family owned restaurant, run by the family. They were so friendly and accommodating. The food was good, and when they brought the complimentary "dessert" of fried sugar tortilla strips, I said to the owner/waiter "hey, its his birthday... is there anything special we can do to these?" Right away, he said "oh, sure!" and took the plate back with him. Jeff and Jake looked at each other and said "what could he possibly do with them?" But the owner did exactly what I thought he would do... He brought them back with whipped cream and chocolate on them! It made it a little special.

The young grandson of the family, who brought our bill, was even great with the camera.
This Tuesday, the plan is to get both of Jeff's sons here to be with us for a few days. History has been that plans dont often turn out... but we are hopeful that this will happen. The plan is for Jon to take the bus up from Grants Pass on Tuesday.
We have our large tent and air mattresses, so the "boys" will stay on our site in the tent, and we will play together for a few days... that is the plan.
Hopefully the next post will be all about all the fun we are having together.