So much for continuing my last post the next day, huh! I will get back to that, but first...
We are now at South Llano River State Park in Junction, TX. We're about 350 miles North and West from where we were, near Galveston; and we are SO happy with our decision to get out of that area, and postpone traveling further East right now. Here we can RELAX without the constant storm watches. I don't know how people live in areas that experience those severe seasonal storm threats. Maybe they are stuck there, but we thank God we aren't! Our home is on wheels, so there is no reason for us to risk being there this time of year.
When I got up this morning, and opened the bedroom door, what I saw out all of the windows almost took my breath away. I saw Stillness... I saw Peace.
This is what I saw out the back window, and this is all there was out the side windows, too. |
I could finally breathe. I saw nothing... I heard nothing, but the stillness of the trees and grass. "Wow" Thats all I could say... and Smile.
Our decision to turn back West was for reasons more than our poor timing with the threats of severe thunderstorms with baseball sized Hail and Tornadoes. Our plan had been to visit the Southern States, then make our way up North, via the East Coast, zig-zagging back and forth to take in the more inland states like Tennessee. But we need time to do that, and we thought we had it. But there are too many uncertainties out there right now. Fuel prices are rising, our country is very unsettled right now, and in our own little world, we own a house in Oregon that is currrently rented out, but some things have changed with our tenants that have made us not so comfortable with being across the country right now. We can wait until things are a little more settled.
So instead... we have accepted a work camping job in Oregon, out of Portland, at Mt. Hood Village RV Resort. We will be working 2 days a week from May 15 to Sept. 4. We will have 5 days a week to play... and we will have both our Harley's with us! After that, we may venture across the Northern States to the East Coast... but this time in better Seasons.
As happy and comfortably "at home" as we are now that we are gone from there and settling into here... We did enjoy our stay near Galveston.
We stayed at a park in Dickinson. We were 45 miles from Houston, but never went. Cities just arent our thing... we couldnt come up with a good reason to go. We were only 6 miles from Kemah, where there is a boardwalk along the Galveston bay. We visited there twice. The first time we just walked around. The second time we stopped on our walk for Happy Hour at Joe's Crab Shack. Seafood stuffed Jalepenos was one of our choices, but unlike the stuffed jalepenos at a place in Galveston, these were way too hot for me! Jeff thoroughly enjoyed them.

Galveston Island was about 18 miles, and we visited there several times. As I had started telling about in the last post, we enjoyed the old historic buildings... and more. On our first visit, we walked around the historical downtown, then found Happy Hour at Fishermans Wharf... where we met some chatty locals, and Jeff discovered another really great IPA, and I enjoyed a tall Pina Colada.
Then when we got back to our truck, we found that we got a parking ticket!! $17!! So much for HAPPY Hour! We couldnt figure out what we had done wrong.
We finally saw this sign up the block a ways.
Can you read it?
We looked all around but couldnt see any sort of pay station, and we forgot to look, but we hadnt noticed any space numbers. So even if we had seen that sign, we wouldnt have had a clue what to do.
Another day, we walked up and down Galvestons Sea Wall, and stopped for a refreshing beer at Captain Jacks Beach Bar, where I discovered Shock Top Belgian White... that was the best tasting beer I have ever had. From the Sea Wall we drove to where the Ferrys board. The ferrys provide a free ride to Port Bolivar. We wanted to take the ferry ride, but I had no motion sickness pills, and without them I would be puking overboard.
Another day, we unexpectedly timed it just right and were able to watch 2 Cruise Ships board and depart. I've never been on a Cruise, but I was thinking it may be time as I watched these enormous boats float by... how excited I thought those people aboard must be feeling, embarking on this trip at Sea in this beautiful resort on water.
In the West Bay, between the mainland and Galveston Island, is Tiki Island. I spotted it on the map, and had to check it out. Here it is on the map. See why I wanted to see it? Every street is almost like an island of its own.
Tiki Island
An Island Village of streets and Canals. Everyone has a front door they can drive to and a back door they can row to... or motor to on a Jet Ski, Jet boat, Pontoon boat... whatever floats! Amazing! But not for me. One house was for sale, so we looked at it... $445,000!! I dont think so!
On our final visit to Galveston, we found the Municipal Court to talk about our parking ticket. We were allowed an immediate "hearing" where we stated our ignorance. Our ignorance case was understood, and the entire ticket was thrown out! After she took the time to explain what we were suppose to do. Now we understand... but when there, we will still continue to park in the parking lot where we can park for free by getting it validated at a visit to Fishermans Wharf. That is what we did all the days after our ticket. Live and Learn.
There you have the gist of our time near Galveston, Texas. We enjoyed our visit, but we are glad it was just a visit. We are more in our comfort and enjoy zone where we are now.
We will enjoy life here for another week or so.
Happy Trails to you...
and be careful out there!